Брызги сознания


...Конец камуфляжу | На главную... | Заговор филологов...

Ну прям как про меня писано (дословно)

Has never been easy for me
Can’t you see
I have always been lonely
It seems like a mystery
Girls like me
Have to hide our hearts away
If only we could live one day
Without the need to hide away
I’d tell the truth to everyone
How I live for you
But people never understand
They’ll destroy us if they can
Say we were struck down by the hand
Of Heaven
We must be wise
And keep our disguise
Stand by our lies
My Secret Love
I refuse
To think of losing you
I won’t give the world
The chance of accusing you
I refuse
I’d sooner die than tell
I’m under your sweet spell
My Secret Love
Don’t say a single word
Can’t be sure
Can’t be sure that we won’t be heard
Like Romeo and Juliet
They will chase us to our deaths
Than voice their false regrets
The liars
But since the day that we first met
And until I take my dying breath
I will be tangled in your net
Of desire
I refuse
To think of losing you
I won’t give the world
The chance of accusing you
I refuse
I’d sooner die than tell
I’m under your secret spell
My Secret Love
I refuse
To think of losing you
I won’t give the world
The chance of abusing you
I refuse
To tell the truth of you
I refuse for you
My Secret Love

Узнать, чья песня, не удалось. А жаль.



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Интерфейс — терминология

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Вы будете смеяться, но всё, что есть на этом сайте (если не указано обратное) создано Владом В. Головачом, простым ховринским либертеном, и этот либертен страшно не любит, когда у него воруют интил­лик­дуаль­ную соб­ствен­ность; не воруйте её и Влад В. Головач будет вас любить и (если вы не мальчик) даже поцелует.